
cathy abraham hidden from the green eye oil on italian cotton canvas 180 x 108cm gkac
Cathy Abraham
ad reflex daydreamer oil 3 d modeling digital collages on c type print on diasec 130 cm
anton brink & petri ala mannus evensong oil on canvas on board 22.8 x 30.3 gkac
Anton Brink & Petri Ala - Mannus
emma c. aspeling a symbol of recognition we are all related mixed media on paper 35 x 50 cm framed
Emma C. Aspeling
johann badenhorst dawn oil on board and glass 75 x 100 x 6cm gkac
Johann Badenhorst
beezy bailey as it was in hell shall it be in heaven oil on canvas 170 x 250 cm gkac 12039
Beezy Bailey
Balcomb Piette web
Elizabeth Balcomb
img 20200529
Angela Banks
wayne barker in god we trust gkcp
Wayne Barker
Liberty Battson For the love of Ellsworth, 2k automotive paint on canvas on board, 180 x 50cm, GKAC 11910 Low Res
Liberty Battson
deborah bell unheard centre bronze edition 7 of 9 83 x 21 x 20cm gkac
Deborah Bell
hanneke benade 5 shades of red 3 soft pastel on white cotten paper 50 x 60cm
Hanneke Benade
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Jaco Benade
Nic Bladen
willem boshoff nelson mandela prison sentence gkcp
Willem Boshoff
Anton Brink, Each slow dusk, 2023, oil on canvas, 150x170cm LOW RES
Anton Brink
david bromely milan in silver acrylic and metal leaf on paper 150 x 120cm ic51869
David Bromley
Arabella Caccica Palmiet River, embroidery on repurposed silk, 100 x 120cm, GKAC 13155 edited
Arabella Caccia
gkcp 15177 without frame
Fuz Caforio
john caple the night journey mixed media on board 81.3 x 102.9cm without frame gkcp
John Caple
dsc 1421 3
Martjie Carter
Norman Catherine Hollow Man, bronze, 42 x 25 x 13.5 cm, GKAC 12460
Norman Catherine
carol cauldwell slow dance bronze eidition 1 of 15 gkac
Carol Cauldwell
Peter Cazalet
Ceramic Matters Rose Thorn, ceramic
Ceramic Matters
ydi coetsee border post malawi oil on canvas
Ydi Coetsee Carstens
francke gretchen crots mansplaining ceramic
Francke Gretchen Crots
wilma cruise the troop bronze edition 3 of
Wilma Cruise
chrysalis grace da costa
Grace da Costa
michelle davidson studio 1 hair dryer and cable tie oil on board 50 x 65cm
Michele Davidson
davies john head of a man resin 49 x 24 x 24cm gkcp
John Davies
gkac 11521 corlie de kock danae awakens 92 5 x 67 cm
Corlie De Kock
ferdi b dick flight or fight rabbit polished stainless steel edition of
Ferdi B Dick
christiaan diedericks aftermath i performing monkeys and other master narratives redux gkac
Christiaan Diedericks
guy du toit loving hares gkac
Guy du Toit
weyers du toit falconer gladioli with woodblock by chobunsai eishhin oil on panel 37 x 26.8cm
Weyers du Toit
jane eppel whenever im with you 2022 etching ed. 5 of 20 wac
Jane Eppel
teresa firmino inherited poison mixed media 100 x 84cm
Teresa Kutala Firmino
Richard Forbes Honey, GKAC 15353 LOW RES
Richard John Forbes
Edna Fourie
crossing gkac
Nicki Friedlein
pierre louis geldenhuys green energy mixed media 2023.jpeg
Pierre Louis Geldenhuys
liza grobler diepkyk beads 165 x 165cm gkac
Liza Grobler
heidi hadaway piggy bronze edition 2 of
Heidi Hadaway
sasha hartslief artist and cat oil on canvas 95 x 75cm wac
Sasha Hartslief
cobus haupt aylin in bath bronze edition 3 of 11 gkac
Cobus Haupt
Lee Ann Heath Bloom Bloom Mountain, oil on canvas, 140 x 200cm, GKAC 13781 Low Res
Lee-Ann Heath
gina heyer uitgang 2023 14 5 x 16cm oil on board
Gina Heyer
always in 115 x 130 oil and pencil crayon on canvas
Matthew Hindley
Phillemon Hlungwani, Manana, I wa nkoka eka mina I, Mother, you are so special to me I, charcoal and soft pastel on Fabriano paper, 151 x 161cm edited
Phillemon Hlungwani
Jeanne Hoffman Papered Room, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, GKAC 13688
Jeanne Hoffman
hoogervorst flowers in the studio i oil on canvas 80 x 60cm
Swain Hoogervorst
melkbos dunes i available
Geoff Horne
helena hugo
Helena Hugo
dada table1
James Mudge with Willem Boshoff
thonton kabeya playtime ii triptych
Thonton Kabeya
kayser 54 1st street
Andrew Kayser
william kentridge 2010 fifa world cup south africa poster without frame gkcp
William Kentridge
greg kerr self portrait without a cell phone oil on canvas gkac
Gregory Kerr
Theo Kleynhans If only I could touch you one last time
Theo Kleynhans
kleynscheldt gekwes akriel op doek 36 x 25 cm r9200
Marike Kleynscheldt
peter kuhfeld sun in the acers woman with parasol er
Peter Kuhfeld
jay latter queen of hearts oil on panel 62. x 53. cm gkac
Jay Latter
robert leggat meerkat family bronze edition ap 59 x 110 x 20 cm front gks
Robbie Leggat
thabang lohobye mirage on the hill oil on canvas 201 x 105.5cm gkac
Thabang Lehobye
s432 alerted leopard iii maquette
Dylan Lewis
mj lourens
MJ Lourens
Paula Louw Molly's Typewriter I, mixed media, 88 x 68cm, GKAC 14120
Paula Louw
michael macgarry the starry plough
Michael MacGarry
joel mamboka gpac
Joel Mamboka
setlamorago mashilo impasse ii charcoal and ink on paper 80 x 120 cm gks
Setlamorago Mashilo
louise mason lingering things oil on board 100 x 100cm edited
Louise Mason
diane mclean still life with olive branch and ginger jar
Diane McLean
boy with frog bronze h 83cm
Toby Megaw
small kiss bronze h 41cm 2
Theo Megaw
john michael metelerkamp the smokey corner at the artist s drinking spot
John-Michael Metelerkamp
denby meyer cold immersion acrylic on canvas 80 x 110cm
Denby Meyer
Wokeopia Front
Andrew Mogridge
lucinda mudge never enough 70cm h
Lucinda Mudge
craig muller cat looking down pitt charcoal and watercolour gkac
Craig Muller
Brett Murray
img 4432 edited
Velaphi Mzimba
daniel naude xhosa kraal ncata eastern cape
Daniel Naude
louis nel 04 09 2021 oil on canvas 70cm diam
Louis Nel
blessing ngobeni return of the descendants iv mixed media on canvas 2023 ac52400
Blessing Ngobeni
nhlanla nhlapo landscape no.16 charcoal on paper 70 x 100cm gkac14695
Nhlanhla Nhlapo
2022 05 03 beaman jennynijenhuis
Jenny Nijenhuis
rosamund o connor windy day bronze edition 3 of 15 side
Rosamund O'Connor
norman oflynn interior with many titles acrylic on acrylic glass 80x95cm gkac
Norman O'Flynn
leanne olivier our lady of the kitchen towel 2024 76.5x59cm oil on canvas.
Leanne Olivier
trevor opperman cape thicket cast beaten aluminium
Trevor Opperman
j.h. pierneef saliena n. transvaal frame
JH Pierneef
andre prinsloo squat male figure gkx
André Prinsloo
Mark Rautenbach Song for Alpha GKAC 12514
Mark Rautenbach
lisa ringwood african paradise flycatcher ceramic gks
Lisa Ringwood
carl roberts koala giraffe leg bone 75x16x16cm gkac
Carl Roberts
knp diptych ii 120 x 200cm
Jaco Roux
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Margot Rudolph
greg schultz light surge gkac 11650 oil on canvas 90x120cm
Greg Schultz
johaness scott natural suntan gkac 1484 edited
Johannes Scott
caryn scrimgeour a fearful thrill 70 x 40cm gkcp
Caryn Scrimgeour
henk serfontein gasteria 90 x 90cm gkac
Henk Serfontein
andre serfontein in blue oil on canvas gkac
Andre Serfontein
jaco sieberhagen bevry 510 x 395 x 100 mm
Jaco Sieberhagen
robert slingsby time under alkebulan sky 2023 oil on canvas 180x220cm
Robert Slingsby
lionel smit covering 2024 oil on linen 100 x 80cm
Lionel Smit
marie stander the peace lily 1400 x 1000mm
Marie Stander
felicia the chartreuse fucshia scarf 132 x 170cm newprint and chalk pastel on folded paper
Gary Stephens
Erinn Straughan
lisa swanepoel manhattan vanishing point acrylic on canvas 182 x 153cm gkac
Lisa Swanepoel
gerhard swart ceramic matters harvest ceramic gkac
Gerhard Swart
hannalie taute when bertha spun 2015 gkcp
Hannalie Taute
angus taylor she as the poet and the poet as the witness bust edition 2 of
Angus Taylor
guy thesen robberg artefact bronze in situ
Guy Thesen
jan tshikhuthula molalo peace iv
Jan Tshikhuthula
jannie uitlander approaching storm karoo acrylic on canvas on board 81 x 203 cm
Jannie Uitlander
phillip uzac red abstract mixed media on canvas 150 x 150cm gkcp
Philippe Uzac
paula van coller louw arachnes autumn web oil on canvas on board gkac
Paula van Coller Louw
Shany van den Berg
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Johann van der Schijff
img 6923 edited without frame gkcp
Pieter van der Westhuizen
img 6936 edited without frame gkcp
Derek van Rensburg
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Jaco van Schalkwyk
cemetery gates 120x100cm
Bastiaan van Stenis
peter van straten boisterous playmate 90 x 120cm oil on canvas gkac
Peter van Straten
Leon Vermeulen Failed Expedition IV, ink and watercolour. 99 x 70cm
Leon Vermeulen
walter voigt mapungubwe stormcloud 2021 oil on canvas 30 x 50cm ac
Walter Voigt
aidon westcott thirst the river provides oil paint & mixed media on canvas
Aidon Westcott
barbara wildenboer mans supremem inheritence gkac 11092 36 x 48 cm
Barbara Wildenboer
eve in the garden of eden vi
Judy Woodborne
florian wozniak path bronze 5 of 8 front
Florian Wozniak