Carol Cauldwell, one of South Africa's most sought after sculptors has work in collections accross the globe.
She works in a variety of media but primarily in brinze and has recently completed a monumental work 6m in height which has been installed at Val de Vie near Paarl in the Western Cape.
Her work could be described as "magic realism" and appeals to the nostalgic yearning in all of us for a more innocent world in which dreams always come true.
Artist statement
My artwork takes on a critical view of social, political and cultural issues conveyed in an almost sarcastic and satirical and humorous way. As a person I struggle with injustice in any form and my artwork has become a therapeutic tool for me to work through these issues.
In my work I deconstruct that which bothers me and then make a critical comment, using fairy-tales, wordplay, nursery rhymes, illustration and icons, in the hope that I will be able to create some sort of resonance be it positive or negative in whoever engages in the work. I try to use familiar visual images and arrange them into conceptually layered pieces. I have worked in ceramics and wood, but prefer to work in bronze. I like the permenence and durability of it. I am keenly aware of its durability in time, and try to use a universal subject matter rather than a topical one which with date quickly.
I don't have a specific style that I use but rather use a style that is suitable to the subject matter at hand. My sculptures are all completely different, but put together as a body of work, I would like to believe that they tend to complement each other.