South African realist painter, Geoff Horne produces detailed paintings of Karoo and country towns depicting their quiet, dusty streets and colonial architecture. The old buildings, now serving as local or country stores and shops, are often brightly painted and bedecked in colourful signage.
The Johannesburg based artist produces each of his painstakingly accurate paintings from photographic material collected on his visits to various little 'dorps' and Karoo towns across the country where old shops and shopfronts can still be found but are sadly slowly disappearing.
The artist does however still manage to capture unique Karoo and farm street scenes with their wide streets and rows of delightful shops, businesses, Cape and colonial homes, many of which are still beautifully preserved and treasured.
Geoff Horne also produces exquisite Karoo landscapes and beautifully painted coastal beaches and dune scenes or Dunescapes as he prefers to call them. He will occasionally turn his hand to other subjects such as still life work, which he has recently started to produce using a looser style currently popular with many realist painters. This style, which he has applied to some of his latest street scenes and shop fronts has produced some amazing pieces of contemporary art.