
Beezy Bailey and Tanner Wilschutt, Man with the Green Heart, on board


October 2, 2021

Tanner John Wilschut is 24 years old and was born when his mom was 29 weeks pregnant and suffered from lack of oxygen which resulted in severe athetoid spastic cerebral palsy. Whilst many challenges he still enjoys his life and have a great sense of humour.

 Paint a Future introduced him to painting and so the journey began. His first painting sold, and he could purchase a house for one of his disabled friends. This was the beginning of a great project for him. Painting gives Tanner a sense of purpose whilst contributing to his community in Plettenberg Bay at the same time.

 Knysna Fine Art is hosting paintings which he completed with Beezy Bailey in the beginning of 2021. These works will be sold in aid of SABRINA LOVE FOUNDATION and TANNER FOUNDATION who both support children with special needs in the greater Plettenberg Bay area.

For the full story go to


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